Saturday 19 March 2011

A lose-lose situation

Today was one of those days...
It started as any other normal, boring, annoying, mundane day at work. Phones ringing, customers queuing, stupid people asking stupid questions, me trying to keep it courteous and professional and thinking that two more days of work and then I'll be enjoying my coffee and ciggies while surfing the net and doing the things I love.

Anyway, ten minutes before I finished and was time to go home, a couple of customers, a young lady and a not-so-young man, sat down on my desk and the girl gave me her card.  
I asked her to confirm her address and she did, and then when I saw the date of birth on our system (it was 1955) she confessed the card was her mother's.

I said to her that unfortunately I could not discuss the account with her and if there was a way to contact her mother and I could give her all the information she wanted. However, because she tried to tell me that the card belongs to the highest level of benefits, I informed her that this is not true, the account is on level 2, two levels away from the highest one.  But I could not give her any other information.

The asshole who happened to be her brother, said "And why can't you give us the information?"
I answered politely that we can only give information to the cardholder due to data protection.
He started arguing that data protection is one thing and identity fraud is another, and many other horse shit such as "If they deliver a card to my property by accident, this card belongs to me". No you bozo, this card belongs to the person whose name is on the card!
Of course I didn't call him bozo as this would be an insult to the bozos.
I said to him I don't want to argue and I would call a manager to speak to him, but, as  sodding Murphy's law had it, the managers were all serving other customers.

I politely explained that it is a business policy not to discuss details of the account, to anyone else but the customer and asked him "how would you like if someone was asking details about your account?" As a major ass hole that he was he replied that this card is not someone stranger's but his mother's. Yes, Sir Fuckface, but what if your mother doesn't want you to know how many points are on her card and comes back to me tomorrow and reports me?

The girl was also quite bitchy and was insisting that the card was on the highest level and was asking which transactions were added to the card in January. It was like I was speaking to deaf, dumb and dumber. I repeated I can't give this information.

The bloody managers were unreachable and now it was way past the end of my shift. This conversation was going nowhere. They were stubborn assholes and thank god I had witnesses, a queue of customers and my two colleagues, who saw that the fuckers were actually abusing me. 

At the end the dumb bitch murmured something like "we will take this matter to the Head Office "  (yes please see what the hell info you're going to get out of them) and they eventually got the fuck out of my face and I could finally go home.  By that time, I had become a nervous wreck.

When I went to the back office to pick up my coat and bag, the only manager I could tell my little story of pain was LB, the little bitch manager from my first blog post (go read it :D) who now I know for sure she despises me as much as I despise her.

Because not only didn't she sympathise with me, she told me off as well!
She told me off because I informed the dumb bitch of a customer that the card was not on the highest tier.  I explained to her that that was the only info I gave, and she told me off again! I shouldn't have said even that. At the same time her face was morphed into that of a hyena's, she usually has this expression when she is talking to me.
She didn't even have the decency to look at her clock and see that these wankers had kept me half an hour after my shift ended!

I was saved by the bell as her phone rang and when I got my stuff and I was passing next to her I said to her "Thanks for the support!"
I really did!!!! I hope the little bitch doesn't sack me.

What a bitch of a day. It's good to know I can come in here and rant, swear and write my guts out, otherwise if I expect to find any compassion at work I would go mental!


  1. :(

    In my careers I often found the women managers to be the worst people to work for.

    Usually it's because there is something they see in you that threatens them.

    Stand your ground and know this: Karma WILL be a bitch!

    p.s. impressed by your Italian.

    Ciao Bella!

  2. Hi France,

    My computer has been in and out of service for months until it died, sadly last sunday.
    I also went to Greece for two weeks and had no connection...
    I miss the blogland too, hopefully I shall return once I get a new laptop...

    This is written from a friend's PC, I saw in my emails you've sent me a comment.
    Thanks for your concern :D
    I will visit soon too!
