Thursday 17 February 2011

Pet (Sound) Hates pt. I

I always wanted to write rant about the noises that annoy me and now that I have a couple of minutes to spare, I thought it would be the perfect subject.

Because it's going to be quite a long post, here is the first top five from 10 to 6.
I am waiting for your own Pet Sound Hates too!

10. Snoring 
You are tired, you hit the pillow and two seconds after you are in the loving arms of Morpheus, the person next to you starts snoring.  Honestly, who thought snoring is a good thing?  It is irritating for those who try to sleep and embarrassing for those who have it.  Cure it, already!

9. People eating crisps at the Cinema
The bag makes noise, the picking up the crisps makes noise and eating the crisps makes noise.  Need I say more?  Buy pop corn, it is quieter!

8.  The gzgzgz coming from other people's headphones.

Yes, I believe the devil has invented headphones with no noise reduction to destroy me!  I'm sitting on my train, reading my book and suddenly, it comes...from two seats away: Gzzgzzgzz-gzzgzzgzz.  It can drive me mad, especially when I have no battery left on my ipod so I can listen to my own music - which I keep in moderate volume so I don't get hateful stares from my fellow travelers.  
I know what I'm talking about.  I grew up in the 80's and the Walkman was the craze of that decade... I was a wild teenager, listening to my Madonna and Depeche Mode in full blast on those old headphones that barely touched my ears and all I can remember is my mom looking at me with wide eyes full of disapprovement.
I'm all grown up now and I can totally feel her.  I hate listening to other people's gzgzgzgz through their headphones.

7.  Mobile phone key clicks and beeps.

There was a girl sitting next to me at our staff area where we go to relax and all she did for the whole damn break was to text like a maniac and she had the key sound ON!!! Honestly, I wanted to take her mobile off her hand and shove it in her mouth.
It's very simple: you go to Settings-->Sounds-->Key Sounds--> and you select NONE! Otherwise everybody is going to hate you.

6.  Mobile phone music players
What is worse than the music coming from headphones and mobile phone clicks?  The devilish combination of both: the mobile phone music players.

A very frequent phenomenon in London buses - especially where I live in South East London. The "youffs" who usually put their music through their phones should all be banned from public transport.  They put on some awful hip-hop, dubstep, shitty kind of "music" (using the term extremely loosely) in full volume, which sounds even more terrible through the little speaker of their mobiles.  I got in a fight with one of them once but I reluctantly backed off as I was scared that he would pull out a knife and stab me or something similar.

Part II coming soon...


  1. What a great list...I totally agree with it, especially the keyboard clicks. My husband just got a phone and refused to take them off. Why????

  2. Thanks for stopping by Lynn.
    I suggest that every time he makes a call and the keys click you'd say "click", "click", "click" aloud. That might get him to mute them! Teehee (evil laugh)
